About Death IV (and about fears)

It started with a french fry. 20 years ago. But she still feels it. As if it were today.

The feeling of the french fry getting stuck in her throath.

The first conscious experience of mortality.

It wasn’t. The french fry. Getting stuck.

It happend in her mind.

And this was just the beginning.

But she had no idea.

20 years later and looking back. The fear of death was overwhelming her.

The fear of not being good enough.

Pretty enough.

Girly enough.

Beautiful enough.

Sexy enough.

Smart enough.

Clever enough.

Intelligent enough.

Important enough.

Worth enough.

She had no idea. That all of these ‘qualities’. All of these labels.

They do not matter.

All of her insecurities. Built up. Exploded in one french fry. That got stuck in her mind.

And haunted her for many years to come.

She didn’t know that you can die your insecurities.

She had no idea.