
Her heart is open
her womb orgasmic
to the heartbeat
of Mother Earth’s inner core

She stands naked
In the morning sun
Exposing her
And everything

by her own surrendering
full and complete
she lets herself

Her heart calls
to his
in ache
and longing
for an even deeper opening

Like the ocean
builds up her next wave
he sings to her
he holds her
and as her heart connects to his

He shows
no hesitation
no waver
no mercy
his direction is set

And then insistently
he penetrates
her body
her heart

And again
over and over…

With nowhere
to hide
no other possibility
than to surrender
even more deeply

She lets herself fall
the immortality of love
the allness of the Universe

And as his love
flows into her heart
she brings it with her
letting it flow from her heart
and into every heart she encounters

Keeping the feeling
of the longing to surrender even more deep
than her heart knows is possible
making her able to open
to the allness of eternity





Old lover

I met my old lover today
I did not know
I’d missed him so

Not until
I opened my heart
Did I realize how brokenhearted I’d been

Like Leonard Cohen
I’d tried to be free

The anticipation of
This day to come

The busy feet taking you
Here and there

The broken plastic cup
Taken by the wind
In front of city hall

The homeless soul
On the corner of
Misery and pure freedom

The colored lights
Of orgasmic hope
Glittering in my eyes

My old lover
I didn’t really think of you that often
I must admit

I guess I was stuck in
Days eating up days
For breakfast, lunch and dinner

Yet longing underneath
Blankets of make-believe

Like a writer in a bar
Smoking cigarettes, drinking whiskey
I have tried in my own way to be free

In all these years
I smiled through the tears in my eyes
That you never saw

But now I met you once again
My old lover

And the tears broke free
And I swear by this poem
That I’ll try to stay free

Like Leonard Cohen’s bird on a wire
Like the openhearted few

The marbled Angel touched my mind 

Across the room 

I saw myself 

Reflected in the 

Pale green 

Eyes of yours 

And in the time 


Two heartbeats

The marbled Angel

Touched my mind 

I loved you 

For your beauty

Raw and crooked 

I  loved you 

For your body

Smooth and strong 

It doesn’t 

Make me wrong 

I felt like carving 

Till I set you free 

The winter night 

Is fragrant 

With the expectations 

Of a hungry kiss

With the quiet 

Drops of heartbeats 


Like the perfection

Of the Swan Lake 

Unfolding before my eyes  

Don’t wait for Paradise 

  Don’t wait

For Paradise

Because then

It never comes

All the pain

You encountered

All the struggles

Thrown in your face 

All the laughter 

Died in sorrow 


Your heart 

Maybe you thought

It hardened it

But really, Honey

It softened it

So let your heart

Stay wide-opened and soft

Even on the darkest of days

Even when all odds are stacked against you

And run to the 

Top of the mountain

Breathe the view 

Of the world 

And take a high dive 

I don’t care

If you’re scared

Pull down a star 

And eat it for breakfast

Sip the raindrops

Of the clouds 

Catch a silver lining

Kiss the blooming flowers 

For dinner 

Just don’t wait

For Paradise 

Because then 

It never comes 

Let me dance you through any crime

The soft whisper
In the crispy snowy night
Makes my feet make the sound of a lisper
Color almost like an egg white
And the words you say by the moonlight
They just hang there all so bittersweet
In the air of the frozen winter’s heartbeat

Stuck in the place
Between that tiny space
What happened to us being moonstruck?
Have I become nothing more than a lame duck?
Why do you wanna tame my wild heart?
And let me kill the freedom that you chart?

Please little darling
Let me drink the wisdom of your life
And so you shall sing like the starling
Songs of both the joy and the strife
Let us be the childbearing woman’s visit to the midwife
Let us be the giant hunter of Orion
And the Promised Land of Zion

Let us be
Like cowboys lassoing wild horses on the Great Plains
And ballet dancers’ graceful strength of doing the Grand Jete
Let us take off all the chains
And stop pissing on each other’s domains
Play me to the end of time
And I will dance you through any crime

Maybe she is magic

He looks at her

Like maybe she is magic

Maybe she is

He the connoisseur of her soul


On slow Sunday mornings

As God rays hit

Her hair on the pillow


He plays her music

His heart on fire

Her lips calling to his


He leaps

Into her breathtaking depth

Of compassion, love and mystery


Open to him

In all senses

She offers him

Her deep feminine beauty of radiance


To the slaughterhouse and back

All grown up

Buttered toasts, hot tea and bills to pay

Tears dripping down the window glass

Rain pouring from my eyes

As the wooden box of secrets

Stored in the place behind my heart

Pops open

I never said I was pretty

It was always you

You said

You’re the prettiest girl in the world

You can be

Anybody you want

Anything you want

But I wasn’t was I?

But I couldn’t could I?

I just saw the sorrow in my eyes

That made them soft

I used to run from you, remember?

You would call

I would hide

I would sit on the bridge

And watch the trains go by far beneath


How it would feel to jump

One day

I took her to the slaughterhouse

And told her

You are the prettiest girl in the world

You can be anybody you want

You can be anything you want

And now

I’m all grown up

Eating buttered toast, drinking hot tea and paying my bills

And once in a blue moon I take her back

Just to pay a visit

Just to remember








Nothing to prove but love

If we had nothing to prove but love

We might sit on the Santa Lucia Mountains

On the coast of California

Breathing in the rolling, dome shaped mountains

And wildflowers blooming

As you watch sea otters rafting in kelp beds through my eyes

And the waves of the pacific batter the rocks

But as we restrain ourselves in the name of perfection

We find ourselves

Chained to and starring into the wall of a cave

Our wretched minds contort

Our imagery of grass is greener

Our betrays and lies in the holy name of All we ever wanted was everything

Did we but travel through

The long and uncomfortable road

To nothing to prove but love

Where you would see me

Even when I don’t project

The last woman you were in love with

Where you would see me

Even when I don’t project

The next woman you think you’ll love

Where you would see me

For whom I am

The sea otter rafting in the kelp beds

The pacific wave battering the rocks

The wildflower blooming on the side of the road

Then we could say in our hearts

We will ascend to heaven

We will sit on the Mountain of Assembly

In the recesses of the north

And we fear not the crooked teeth of the drunken dancer

Or the wrinkles in the fragile face of ageing

Nor do we fear the hysteria of a moment

Because now we learned to laugh at ourselves

Now we free felled through the hole of our fears

And now we have nothing to prove but love

El sur grande





Did you come home from Afghanistan?


The last I saw
Was all the dreams and all the hopes
In those pretty blue eyes
Confidently going to change the world
It was a rotten deal
Beware of all the mines
The sun was shining as you waved goodbye on the bus

Putting on my poker face
Everyday dealing the hand of
Keeping up facades

Days slowly going by
Eating up months
While I wait for the
Men in black
Knocking on my door
Handing me the folded flag

Will I ever see
Into this deep blue ocean
Of dreams and hopes?

Sing to me, little Darling
Sing my worries away in the night
Sing my fears away in the day
Sing when I wait for the
Men in black
Keep singing to me
While you’re away

They never came
To my door
Knocked on someone else’s

You came back
Everybody knows
You came home
All fine
Legs and arms intact
But it’s a scheme
To keep up the illusion

‘Cause you never came home
And everybody knows
How it goes
The deal was rotten
We met each other
In relief
Finally, the storm had passed

But the boat was leaking
The song was fading and
Men in black approaching

Our lips once again kissing
Finding each other in utter relief
Like the mother finding her lost child
Our bodies once again hugging
Longing for the familiar softness
Yearning for the once upon a time love

We tried
We really did
We know we did

All we find is a black hole
The terror in the eyes of castaways
The ache we feel
Is written here in blood
As real and actual
Like a stillborn baby
Dreams and hopes shattered
With the snap-of-a-finger

Just like that
We find ourselves in the place
Where death needs a shoulder to cry

With the gun of war
We kill us
Like little feet
That come and go
Sometimes you come back
Sometimes you don’t
The deal was rotten